Professional Life, Health Issues and Remedies: Doctor Panel addresses the bimonthly convention of PSF Mumbai
The scholars school auditorium was once again illuminated with scores of professionals from various parts of the financial capital attending the PSF bi-monthly convention along with their families to listen to esteemed panelists from medical fraternity, on the very essential topic “Professional Life, Health Issues and Remedies“
Dr Nazima Waghle who is a veteran nutritionist and dietetic discussed the most common health issues among working professionals today, She said that “Today more than 90% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise .” She made presentations on various categories of diseases prevalent and discussed at length their root cause and how can we overcome them by simply changing our diet habits and adopting healthy alternatives to processed foods etc. Some of the most common diseases she mentioned were High BP, Diabetes, Brain disease, Sleep disorders, Obesity. She gave very practical and economical diet tips to improve upon these issues.
An expert physiotherapist Dr Saeed Mohammadthen enlightened the audience with his insightful talk. He started with describing how sitting is something human beings are not made for, In fact, he said humans are moving entities who have evolved by walking. The advent of technology has brought us sitting desk jobs and have modulated every activity around sitting posture like watching tv, surfing the web to mention few. The sedentary lifestyle and inactivity are the root cause of most of the health issues faced by professionals today. Inactivity is causing major illnesses like cardiac problems, Thrombosis, Obesity, Diabetes, certain cancers and musculoskeletal issues like back and neck pain, cervical & lumbar spondylitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. In conclusion, he spoke about the prevention of all these by maintaining a healthy lifestyle… Walking more than sitting, doing ergonomic adjustments at the workplace, and exercising at least 3-4 times a week.
Dr Ruksheda Syeda famous Psychiatrist and TEDx speaker then enthralled the audience with her scintillating talk on “Mental health”. She stressed the need to identify mental health and need to differentiate between stress, distress and disorders. She presciently declared that “without mental health, there can be no true physical health, She lamented that there is very less awareness and lots of stereotype and stigma attached pertaining to mental health and people are reluctant to seek professional advice in this regard. She concluded by saying “Sleep, Food, Drink and Digestion” (Sona, Khana, Peena aur Hazma ) needs to be taken care of for stable mental health.
The house was then open for Q&A wherein came deluge of questions around the topic which elicited a much detailed response to specific issues, many misconceptions were cleared and myths debunked.
PSF Convener informed the audience about the upcoming PSF Mumbai initiatives and ongoing activities in the backdrop , a sumptuous dinner was served to the attending professionals and their accompanying family members and everyone departed with a new resolve to improve their health, and commitment to support PSF and contribute towards the cause championed by it.