
Job and Career Guidance

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Job and Career Guidance

It’s a vast field and remains the most vital ones when it comes to the lives of professionals. It helps them in moving ahead in the desired direction seeking the help of PSF professionals to find the desired job by helping and guiding them. Career guidance remains the key service for the PSF Mumbai for students. It helps unleashing and showcasing a wide range of career options before them. This allows them to choose newer and relevant career options which suit their personality and zest rather than becoming mere copycats and wasting their talents and time in the wrong direction. With various career and job guidance programs, PSF Mumbai helps the students to choose the right direction in education and so in their career path.

AIMProvide information on  a wide range of career options and help them choose the right career
ObjectiveGive students and passing out students to prepare for getting into the industry. In other words, it helps in bridging the gap between College studies and the real world of industry.
Target AudienceStudents
MethodologyManaging interactive sessions with the fresher students and others by industry experts to help them understand bridging the gap and preparing to enter the market.