Importance of Seerah in a Professional’s Life
Be an Inspirational Leader – Always aim for Excellence
With the ongoing auspicious month, PSF Mumbai organized their monthly event on the topic Importance of Seerah in a Professional’s Life.
Hosted on Zoom on this Saturday, the guest speaker for the evening was a veteran professional – Janab Moin Don who mesmerized the audience with nuggets of wisdom on the subject.
In his eloquent style, he shared and helped refresh many teachings of the Prophet (PBUH). Best was, each of the teachings are relevant, applicable and practical for every professional.
Qualities of the Perfect Leader: Charity begins at home: ensure the guidance of family members as well, not just self
Allah loves the Mohsineen: Excel in whatever you do: don’t be satisfied with “run of the mill” approach, rather be the face of the crowd
Prophet was an Excellent Communicator: Learn from the communication skills of the Prophet (PBUH): be a good listener, be explicit and clear
Lead by Example: Be the leader that the team always wants to stand up with
Use of Media & understand role of its Power: Stand up against Islamophobia, be the perfect ambassador of Islam in your circle
A Strong Believer is better than a Weak One: Take care of your health; upgrade your skillset, education, strive for best
Dawah is the core of Islamic tenets: Be the one to give Dawah with your actions and speech
Click here for watching the full event:
About our Speaker: Moin Don sb